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Sports and exercise, especially now

It is important during this time for every member of your family to remain active. Whether at home or in the hospital, exercise is relaxing and is good for you! Try to incorporate exercise in your daily routine and preferably outdoors.
For parents and children in our center, the sports and exercise garden (courtyard) and the nature garden (at the main entrance) will always be accessible. If children can be (temporarily) disconnected from their IV, it may be possible - after consultation with your healthcare team - to take a stroll outside.

Individual exercise still possible
At the moment we are not offering group activities in the Princess Máxima Center through our ‘Maximaal Bewegen’ program. Our physical therapists will regularly assess if there is a need for sports and/or exercise materials for children who have been admitted.

Please retain a 6 feet (1,5 -2 m) distance from each other during sports activities and wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Follow the latest information and instructions from the RIVM and in the parent’s newsletters from the Princess Máxima Center.

Tips for parents in the Máxima