Kennis & ervaring
Specialisme / subspecialisme: Patient-reported outcomes, kwaliteit van leven, communicatie, implementatie, e-health (o.a. KLIK en Op Koers Online), emotionele aanpassing van kind en gezin
2018-heden: Psycholoog & Postdoc, Prinses Máxima Centrum
2017-2018: Postdoctoral Fellow, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
2014-2017: Senior Projectmedewerker project “Ontwikkelingsgerichte Zorg in Beeld”, Prinses Máxima Centrum
2011-2016: Promovendus, Emma Kinderziekenhuis/AMC
2011-2012: Psycholoog, UMC Utrecht/Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis
2007-2008: Student-Assistent, Universiteit Utrecht
2018: Trained Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
2017: Doctor, Faculteit der Geneeskunde, Universiteit van Amsterdam
2011: Klinische Master “Kinder- en Jeugdpsychologie”, Universiteit Utrecht
2009: Research Master “Development and Socialization in Childhood and Adolescence”, Universiteit Utrecht
2007: Bachelor “Ontwikkelingspsychologie”, Universiteit Utrecht
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Mijn publicaties op pubmed lees je hier.
- Schepers, SA, Okado, Y, Russell, K, Long, A, & Phipps, S. (In Press). Adjustment in Childhood Cancer Survivors, Healthy Peers, and their Parents: the Mediating Role of the Parent-Child Relationship, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsy069.
- Schepers, SA, Sint Nicolaas, SM, Maurice-Stam, H, Verhaak, CM, Grootenhuis, MA (2018). Parental distress 6 months after a pediatric cancer diagnosis in relation to family psychosocial risk at diagnosis. Cancer, 124 (2), 381-390.
- Schepers, SA, Sint Nicolaas, SM, Haverman, L, Wensing, M, Schouten, AYN, Hoogerbrugge PM, Kaspers, GJL, Verhaak, CM, & Grootenhuis, MA (2016). Real-world implementation of electronic patient-reported outcomes in outpatient pediatric cancer care, Psycho-Oncology, doi:10.1002/pon.4242.
- Schepers, SA, Haverman, L, Zadeh, S, Grootenhuis, MA, Wiener, L (2016). Healthcare professionals’ preferences and perceived barriers for routine assessment of patient-reported outcomes in pediatric oncology practice: moving towards international processes of change, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 63 (12), 2181-2188.
- Top 20 geciteerd artikel in JPP 2016: Sint Nicolaas, SM, Schepers, SA, Hoogerbrugge, PM, Caron, H, Kaspers, GJL, van den Heuvel-Eibrink, MM, Grootenhuis, MA. Verhaak, CM (2016). Screening for psychosocial risk in Dutch families of a child with cancer: reliability, validity, and usability of the psychosocial assessment tool, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 40 (10), 1-10.