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Prof. dr. R. (Rob) Pieters

Pediatric oncologist, Chief Máxima International
I am a member of the Board of Directors, responsible for Care and Training. I am also a pediatric oncologist for children with Acute Lymphatic Leukemia (ALL). I serve as the chair of the DCOG Disease Committee on Acute Lymphatic Leukemia that sets the treatment guidelines for children with ALL, and I lead the clinical research group for ALL. We work closely with laboratory research groups in the ALL field and, of course, with many other ALL experts worldwide to develop better therapies for children with this disease.
Knowledge and Experience

Work experience

  • 2013-present: Member of the Board of Directors of the Princess Máxima Center
  • 2007-2014: Co-initiator of the Princess Máxima Center
  • 1999-2014: Head of Pediatric Oncology, Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital
  • 1995-1998: Pediatric Oncology Fellow, VUmc, Academic Medical Center (AMC) and Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC)
  • 1991-1995: Pediatrician Training Program, VU University Medical Center (VUmc)
  • 1987-1991 doctoral research, VU University Amsterdam 

Scientific Research

  • 2017-present: Professor of Pediatric Oncology at Utrecht University
  • 2001-2017: Professor of Pediatric Cancer, Erasmus University
  • 1991: drug resistance in childhood leukemia, VU University of Amsterdam

Read my publications here.

Selected Publications
Pieters R., Huismans D.R., Loonen A.H., Hählen K., van der Does-van den Berg A., van Wering E.R., Veerman A.J.P. Relation of cellular drug resistance to long-term clinical outcome in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Lancet 1991; 338: 399-403.

Pieters R., Schrappe M., de Lorenzo P., Hann I., de Rossi G., Felice M., Hovi L., Leblance T., Szczepanski T., Ferster A., Janka G., Rubnitz J., Silverman L., Stary J., Campbell M., Li C.H., Mann G., Suppiah R., Biondi A., Vora A., Valsecchi M.G. A treatment protocol for infants younger than 1 year with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (Interfant-99): an observational study and a multicenter randomized trial. Lancet 2007; 370:240-250.

Boer den ML, van Slegtenhorst M., De Menezes R.X., Cheok M.H., Buijs-Gladdines J.G.C.A.M., Peters S.T.C.J.M., van Zutven L.J.C.M., Beverloo H.B., van der Spek P.J., Escherich G., Horstmann M.A., Janka/Schaub G.E., Kamps W.A., Evans W.E., Pieters R. A subtype of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia with poor treatment outcome: a genome-wide classification study. The Lancet Oncology 2009;10:125-134.

Holleman A/Cheok M.H.*, den Boer M.L., Yang W., Veerman A.J., Kazemier K.M., Pei D., Cheng C., Pui C.H., Relling M.V., Janka-Schaub G.E., Pieters R./Evans W.E.* Gene-expression patterns in drug-resistant acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells and response to treatment. The New England Journal of Medicine 2004;351:533-42. (*shared first and last authorship)

Pieters R., de Groot-Kruseman H.A., van der Velden V.H.J., Fiocco M., van den Berg H., de Bont E.S.J.M., Egeler R.M., Hoogerbrugge P.M., Kaspers G.J.L., van der Schoot C.E., de Haas V, van Dongen J.J.M. Successful therapy reduction and intensification for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia based on minimal residual disease monitoring: study ALL10 from the DCOG. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016: 34:2591-2601.