Kennis en ervaring
- 2015-2018: fellow kinderoncologie en early phase studies, Newcastle upon Tyne, V.K.
- 2008-2015: opleiding kinderoncoloog, Newcastle upon Tyne, V.K.
- 1999-2005: opleiding tot kinderarts, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Duitsland
- 1997-1999: opleiding tot kinderarts, Universitätskinderklinik Freiburg, Duitsland
- 1997: Diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma from pancreatic secretions via Ki-ras PCR (Dr. med.)
- 2015: kinderoncoloog, Newcastle upon Tyne, V.K.
- 2004: kinderarts, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Vormoor B, Schlosser Y, Blair H, Sharma A, Wilkinson S, Newell DR, Curtin N: Sensitizing Ewing Sarcoma to chemo- and radiotherapy by inhibition of DNA-repair enzymes (DNA-PK and PARP): Oncotarget, Sept. 2017:
Vormoor B, Veal GJ, Griffin MJ, Boddy AV, Irving J, Minto L, Case M, Banerji U, Swales KE, Tall JR, Moore AS, Toguchi M, Acton G, Dyer K, Schwab C, Harrison CJ, Grainger JD, Lancaster D, Kearns P, Hargrave D, Vormoor J: A Phase I/II trial of AT9283, a selective inhibitor of aurora kinase in children with relapsed or refractory acute leukaemia: challenges to run early phase clinical trials for children with leukaemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2016 Dec 1. doi: 10.1002/pbc.26351.
Vormoor B, Curtin N: Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors in Ewing sarcoma. Review. Curr Opin Oncol. 2014 Jul;26(4):428-33. (Review)
Vormoor B, Knizia H, Batey M, Almeida G, Wilson I, Dildey P, Sharma A, Blair H, Hide G, Heidenreich O, Vormoor J, Maxwell RJ, Bacon CM: Development of a preclinical orthotopic xenograft model of Ewing sarcoma and other human malignant bone disease using advanced in vivo imaging. PLOS ONE. 2014, January 07, 2014, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0085128.
Bürger B, Beier R, Zimmermann M, Beck JD, Reiter A, Schrappe M.: Osteonecrosis: a treatment related toxicity in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)--experiences from trial ALL-BFM 95. Pediatr. Blood & Cancer. 2005 Mar;44(3):220-5.
Bürger B, Zimmermann M, Mann G, Kühl J, Löning L, Riehm H, Reiter A, Schrappe M.: Diagnostic cerebrospinal fluid examination in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: significance of low leukocyte counts with blasts or traumatic lumbar puncture. J. Clin. Oncol. 2003 Jan 15;21(2):184-8.
Schrappe M, Beier R, Bürger B.: New treatment strategies in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Best Pract Res Clin Haematol. 2002 Dec;15(4):729-40. (Review)
Bürger BJ, Niemeyer CM.: Leukemias in children and adolescents. Med. Monatsschr. Pharm. 1999 Jun;22(6):175-83. (Review)
Daus H, Trümper L, Bürger B, Jacobs G, Kriener S, von Blohn G, Zeitz M, Pfreundschuh M.: Ki-ras mutation as a molecular tumor marker for carcinoma of the pancreas. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1995 Jun 9;120(23):821-5.
Trümper LH, Bürger B, von Bonin F, Hintze A, von Blohn G, Pfreundschuh M, Daus H.: Diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma by polymerase chain reaction from pancreatic secretions. Br J Cancer. 1994 Aug;70(2):278-84.