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Social work information meeting for parents

As of September 10, the medical social work department will hold information meetings for parents every two weeks. Information about work, income, support, etc. will now be given not only individually, but also in groups.

In order to inform (new) parents as quickly as possible, the social work department is starting a pilot project in which important topics are discussed in an information meeting. Topics that will be discussed include ‘How do I fit this in with my work?’, ‘How does this situation affect me as a parent?’ and ‘What regulations can I apply for?’ The information session is held every two weeks at different times to allow as many parents as possible to attend. This meeting complements the individual support that medical social work provides to parents.

Group work

Susanne Oudenaarde, medical social worker: ‘All parents whose child comes for treatment are personally introduced to a medical social worker. A lot of the information we give is the same for a large group of parents. We want to offer this information in groups so that we can be even more personalized in the individual counseling. We also think it is important for parents to see and talk to each other about these issues, a kind of ‘group work’.’

For more information, send an email to mmw@prinsesmaximacentrum.nl.