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Ombudswomen in the Máxima

At the Princess Máxima Center, we want to provide the very best care for your child and your family: the right treatment, tailored guidance, clear information and good communication. We want children and parents to feel heard, seen and supported. Yet you may encounter things that could be better. Of course we would like to hear this, because only then we can find a solution together and improve.
You can contact the ombudswomen for this.  They listen to you, think along with you, help you on your way with information, look for possibilities and mediate between you, the care provider or the center.

The ombudswomen

The ombudswomen are Elise Steenbergen, Caroline Lavell and Clara Bröcker. They hold office on the LATER outpatient clinic and are usually present on weekdays. You're welcome to stop by, but you can also make an appointment so you're sure they are around. You can reach them via 0650006416 or ombudsvrouw@prinsesmaximacentrum.nl.

The ombudswomen are there for parents and children and for adults who come to the LATER outpatient clinic. The ombudswomen are independent and have a duty of confidentiality. This means that they will only talk to others about your complaints if you give them permission.

Signals and suggestions

If you are not satisfied with something, it is always best to discuss this with the relevant healthcare provider or principal therapist. If you find it difficult to initiate such a conversation or if you feel that you have not been heard sufficiently after a discussion, you can contact one of the ombudswomen.

She offers a listening ear or arranges a conversation with the involved healthcare providers. If you prefer, she can also join this conversation. For example, if you want to talk to a healthcare provider about the way you have been treated.

The ombudswoman is also keen to hear signals and suggestions, so that we can continuously improve the care at the Máxima Center and prevent children and parents from encountering the same issues in the future.

Best practices

We also like to hear about things that are going well and should definitely continue (so-called best practices). So, do not hesitate to share these with our staff and the ombudswomen.

Registration of signals and suggestions

If you agree, the ombudswomen will record your signals, questions, suggestions, and best practices. These are analyzed and used to further improve the quality of care.

Patient support

In the event of calamities, the ombudswoman fulfills the role of patient support. Here you can find more information about Incidents and Calamities.


The Princess Máxima Center has a complaints procedure, in accordance with the Quality, Complaints, and Disputes in Healthcare Act (Wkkgz). It outlines how the Máxima Center handles and records signals of dissatisfaction and complaints. The ombudswoman can tell you more about this complaints procedure. View the flowchart for the route in case of dissatisfaction and complaints here.

The ombudswoman can also assist you with complaints. She will always work with you to find a satisfactory solution. If you prefer not to have personal contact, the complaint can also be handled in writing.

The ombudswoman explains your legal rights. This includes rights concerning the quality of service, free choice of doctors, the right to information and access to and copies of the patient's records. She outlines the steps in the complaint procedure for you. Then, she tries to clarify the complaint with you and understand your wishes. Together, you review all the possibilities and consider what the next steps should be.

The healthcare provider or staff member, but also the principal therapist, team leader, or clinical director, must always be informed. The ombudswoman takes care of this. Then, she invites all parties involved to come together for a discussion. If you wish, she can be present and mediate. During the meeting, clear agreements are made about the follow-up.

If you are satisfied with the handling of your complaint, the file will be closed. If you find the result unsatisfactory, you can choose to present your complaint to the judgment committee. This committee consists of an independent chairperson (a lawyer), a member nominated by the client council, and two healthcare providers. The judgment committee provides a motivated opinion on the complaint and an advice to the Board of Directors within 6-10 weeks.

You can then discuss with the ombudswoman whether the file can be closed with the judgment of the judgment committee, or if you are considering further steps.

*Anonymous complaints are not processed because there is no possibility for a hearing.

Registration of complaints
The ombudswomen create a file for each complaint, which is kept for two years. This file is entirely separate from your child's medical records. Based on the complaints, the ombudswomen formulate recommendations for the Board of Directors to prevent recurrence.